Friday, August 31, 2007


happy merdeka to everyone! it's kinda a belated wish. but oh well..

Can't believe i actually celebrated merdeka day! reminds me of the ol' skool days where we sang patriotic songs to our hearts! well, believe it or not, i participated in the 'Voice Chamber' singing in front of 250 peepz. If it was bad, don't tell me, if it was good, u can drop me some messages (to those who had seen the performance).

I love how everyone semangat sing our two fave patriotic songs. Keranamu Malaysia which ppl just screamed 'Keranamu lalalala...' not knowing the lyrics. And of course, the all time fave, Tanggal 31! any malaysians who doesn't know this song ought to chop theirselves up using a butcher knife. Easiest and best patriotic song ever. Last night was a truly malaysian night.. roast duck was served too! man i miss that! and fried ice-cream too! and believe it or not, i never had it before back at home. And Gowri told me that they sold it at Chow Yang!! all the times i was there... sigh.. i'm disappointed in myself!

Anyways, that's it. Let's see how tomorrow night goes. First theme party for my block.

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